Global tropical hazards

(from U.S Climate Prediction Center)

NCEP TC watch is not overly excited about cyclones around Australia in the next fortnight, which is not what was expected at the peak of the La Niña. All the activity is currently further west in the Indian Ocean.

Rather, the approaching weak MJO signal looks to be bringing rain right across the tropics for the end of January. The next week will be more interesting.

Global tropical hazards

(from U.S Climate Prediction Center)

Some action in the tropics at last! The noticeable features in the chart below show a potential cyclone development in the western Timor Sea and above normal rainfall for the Qld gulf and NE NSW next week (top chart).

Jason Nicholls (@jnmet) at ACCU weather shows a low potential cyclone development occurring 19-23 December in Australia’s north-west (bottom chart).

jnmet cyclone.png