Multi-week planner (8-28 days)

The outlook for much of Queensland and NSW looks drier than normal, knowing that “normal” for April is generally one of the drier months of the year for inland areas anyway. The passing MJO looks like it may only affect the Gulf and top end, although that could change in the 2nd half of April. No high temperatures showing through April either, so mild conditions prevailing throughout.

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Model commentary: IRI model is calling for a dry 3 weeks of April, except for the Gulf. This model rarely shows a signal either way and often sits on the fence, but not this time. Both the JMA and BOM are showing mainly tropical areas to benefit from the passing MJO, although the BOMs ACCESS-S model has quite an emphatic “dry” signal for NSW out to 19 April. JMA is basically sitting on the fence for NSW and S Qld rainfall. Keep an eye on the Meteologix 10 day Forecast XL for a full summary of all ‘weather models’ as rain events draw closer for your area: