Climate in-brief

This weeks chart is from CLIMATEAPP. It shows Griffith, NSW YTD rainfall ahead of median. Click the chart to go through to and choose your location in ‘hows the season?’

This weeks chart is from CLIMATEAPP. It shows Griffith, NSW YTD rainfall ahead of median. Click the chart to go through to and choose your location in ‘hows the season?’

·       The 30-day SOI has exceeded La Niña thresholds (+9), although the rise in the index has been mainly associated with higher air pressure at Tahiti;

·       Multi-week models are favouring rain across all forecast areas in the coming weeks, although the sweet spot appears to be in SW Qld, central and southern NSW;

·       A survey of the latest global GCMs shows broad consensus for wetter-than-normal and cooler conditions between October and December; and

·       Measuring zones in the Niño and Indian Ocean Dipole regions shows a stronger signal from the Pacific Ocean, however the IOD seems to be making a late surge towards wetter conditions, helping spring rainfall prospects in NSW.

Australian weekly rain map

Rainfall maps courtesy

A positive spike in the SAM pushed some moisture into eastern Australian over the last week.

A positive spike in the SAM pushed some moisture into eastern Australian over the last week.