Ag Econ has prepared a suite of cotton industry gross margins since 2017, that are now prepared biennially.
Read MorePicking: Owning your own or using a contractor
/A new John Deere round bale cotton picker costs about $1.3m+, making it one of the most expensive agricultural machines available in Australia and a major capital expenditure decision for any farm business.
Read MoreSmarter Irrigation for Profit - Phase 2 (SIP2)
/A blurb at the top: “The Rural R&D for Profit project: Smarter Irrigation for Profit – Phase 2 (SIP2) was a cross-sector partnership tackling the challenge of reduced water availability by focusing on practical, cost effective strategies to improve the water productivity of Australian cropping and pasture irrigators. The project was a partnership between the major irrigation industries of cotton, dairy, sugar, rice and grains, research organisations and farmer groups. Ag Econ completed economic case studies to investigate the on farm costs and benefits of adopting the SIP2 research outputs”.
A list of each output
SIP2 Economic case study: Integrated smart sensing and automation for cotton bankless channel irrigation
SIP2 Economic case study: Smarter irrigation control in rice growing systems
SIP2 Economic case study: Evaporation mitigating solutions for Australian cotton water storages
SIP2 Economic case study: Automated cotton irrigation with small pipe through bank (sPTB)
SIP2 Economic case study: Responsive cotton irrigation management with Canopy Temperature Stress technology
SIP2 Economic case study: Irrigation water in dry years: Sell, buy, or apply? A supplementary irrigated wheat scenario, Central West NSW
SIP2 Economic case study: Economic costs and benefits of winter cropping irrigation scenarios in Northern Vic
SIP2 Economic case study: Assessing the economic benefits of supplementary irrigation in sugar production – Central Qld
The Economic Case studies can be found on the SIP2 website
Sugar Research Australia Energy Podcast→
/Podcast Jan 2020
Ag Econ's Janine Powell and Jon Welsh discuss renewable energy options in the Australian sugarcane industry.
Read MoreAgEcon Webinar: Renewable Energy Case Studies (#1 in 2 part series)→
/YouTube - Webinar April, 2020
AgEcon economists Jon Welsh and Janine Powell will be presenting two webinars and will discuss key findings from their SRA-funded research project entitled Productivity improvements through energy innovation in the sugar industry.
Read MoreAgEcon Webinar: Finance options and barriers to adoption (#2 in 2 part series)→
/YouTube - Webinar April ,2020
This second webinar in the two part series looks at finance options for funding renewable energy on farm, as well as the key drivers and barriers to adoption of this technology.
Read MoreSpotlight: Bore pumps: is it time to repair or replace?’→
/SPOTLIGHT Autumn 2020
PDF 3,878.88 KB
Pg 33 ‘Bore pumps: is it time to repair or replace?’
Pg 35 ‘Bridging the gap – weekly and fortnightly climate outlooks available’