Economic Analysis & Productivity Solutions
An independent economic consultancy, Ag Econ has a broad background in economic evaluation across a wide range of agricultural industries, from farm level extension and decision support tools to industry level monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and investment impact assessments. With a head office in NW NSW and partners and associates spread across the state, some directly participating in agricultural production, Ag Econ has an unparalleled understanding of Agricultural economics.
About us
OUR GOAL. Our core objective is to contribute to the sustainability of the agricultural sector through objective and practical analysis.
OUR APPROACH. We believe in a boots on the ground approach to understanding the issues and come up with practical analysis and insights. We work with growers, researchers and policy makers to identify and evaluate innovative practices or investments that increase productivity, reduce environmental footprint and maximise profits.
OUR SERVICES. Our RD&E focus is on agricultural business and industry level analysis and planning, including economic analysis, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), sustainability analysis and planning, and climate analysis and planning.